31 March 2014

My name is Islam

SLAM 101.

Let me, introduce myself.
My name, is Islam.
The root word of peace- salam,
Or even salema- meaning submission.
Which to a Muslim, is like his tuition.
It's his ticket in,
But before I begin,
Let me greet you, like I'm supposed to do,
So Assalamu alaikum, may peace be upon you!

You know? It's kinda' funny...
I'm accused of oppressing, when really I'm oppressed.
I've become on the list of things to detest.
I'm screamed in rage, in almost every protest,
& I've become the "red scare", a "threat to the west".

You see?
If you look at me, and all my obligations,
You'll see why I have such a great population,
It's cause there's the motivation,
And that sense of inspiration,
That keeps "Muslim" as their occupation.
To me, being a good Muslim means being a good person.
'cause I'll never ask you to kill or to slay,
Or to lie at least 5 times a day.
I'll never ask you steal, or to hate,
Or to swear or discriminate.

I actually tell you to smile to everyone you see,
Cause a smile's the best form of charity.
I tell you to not smoke and not to drink,
To stay clean and take showers so you simply don't stink.
I tell you to care for animals and treat them with care,
So yes, I'm against animal testing & abuse in case you weren't aware.
I tell you to treat those who treat you bitter...better.
I tell you not to be mad at someone for more than 3 days,
I tell you to respect women and lower your gaze.
I tell you that paradise lies under the feet of your mother,
I tell you to passionately love your significant other.
I tell you to never mistreat your wife!
I mean...if I tell you to care for animals, then what about the love of your life?

I tell you to be precious, and save yourself for the "one".
So you don't keep giving yourself away...till you're literally done.
I tell you to be moderate and that balance is key,
Just in the middle is the perfect place to be.
I tell you to excel in all that you do,
From that essay to that slam-dunk too!
I tell you to clear your ignorance and to never judge,
To love for your bro what you love for yourself; & to never hold a grudge.
I tell you how to be a good person. A person of peace, and a person of love.

They say I'm a terrorist,
An extremist.
And you know what? I am.
I am a terrorist; I terrorize terror,
I kill injustice to make this world fairer.
I am an extremist; I am extremely kind.
So beware of my extreme benevolence, to all of mankind.
Yes, there are those who kill and bomb in my name,
But if I don't approve, then why am I to be blamed?
In every religion, you'll find those who abuse it,
Thinking they have a permit,
To do wrong.

A religion maybe perfect, but the followers may not be.
So when mine commit mistakes, don't blame it on me.
I give what I got, and what I got is good.
So if they do otherwise...they misunderstood.
& I'm not here to preach, I'm only here to teach.
I'm a professor in politics, economy and sociology.
In manners and etiquette, I got my PHD.
To all my teachings, I have two sources.
The book of God, and the words of the prophet are my resources.
I teach for free and to whoever desires to learn,
It's all for the sake of Allah, I ask for nothing in return.

& Listen,
I'm not here to convert, but just to clear misconceptions.
With the way I'm viewed and my common perception.
Because yes, it hurts when I'm literally abused,
By some, who do it for pleasure, just to be amused.

& By some, who just follow the "trend" cause they're clearly confused.
In a nutshell, my name is Islam,
And everything I do, goes back to Salam..peace.
& so as your prof, I need to make sure you pass this test called Life.

By: Amal Ahmed Albaz 

16 February 2014


Sini je tempat aku lepak

Bila sedih
Bila susah
Bila sebak
Bila orang buat-buat tak nampak
Di bila-bila yang aku rasa sunyi
Rasa tak dimengerti
Ke sini aku berlari
Ke tempat yang terpaling sunyi

Tempat perlu kau cari

Adlina Aziz
16 February 2014

07 February 2014

Bukan semua

Bukan semua perempuan suka makeup tebal-tebal,
shopping riban-riban,
perangai gedik-gatal,
buah fikirannya bebal,
hatinya tak kental.

Bukan semua.

Just my two cent,

Adlina Aziz
7 February 2014

Sebab- sebab kenapa saya tak suka jumpa doctor

Dah lama tak menulis... Tiup sikit

Fuhh Fuhh....


Aku punyai body terpaling fragile. Memang kerap aku sakit-sakit ni. Tapi seriously aku malassssssss amat nak jumpa doctor. Bukannya tak nak iktihar cari penyembuh penyakit tu, tapi untuk beberapa pengalaman tak berapa nak best aku alami dengan doctor. Antaranya ialah;


Amboi bombastik sangat you ni kan Adlina. Seriously siapa suka kalau ko jumpa doktor then dipersoalkan semula "Macam sihat je macam okay je". Nampak macam haku ni saje-saje nak tagih simpati mintak MC sebab malas keje. Ada certain sakit tu memang lah muka pucat segala tapi ada jugak yang si penderita je yang tahu rasanya macam mana. Nak pulak kalau dapat patient yang jenis pendam sakit macam aku ni. Chill je gelak-gelak tapi dalaman, MasyaALLAH aku je yang tahu sakitnya bagaimana.


Bayangkan situasi ni. Ko sakit belakang and tak tahu punca. Ko pun pergi klinik jumpa doctor. Ko bagi sedikit penerangan dan tunjukkan tempat yang sakit. Tiba- tiba doctor tanya ko "Eh kenapa awak sakit kat situ?" ataupun "Eh kenapa awak sakit macam tu?". Ko tak rasa pelik ke? Aku boleh terima soalan "Awak sakit apa?" sebab ko kena paham, doktor tu bukan ahli nujum boleh baca fikiran ko, so dia perlukan sedikit penerangan dari ko untuk dia analisis dan simpulkan apa sebenarnya penyakit ko. Tapi dah kalau tanya kenapa sakit kat situ atau kenapa sakit macam tu memang aku rasa pelik sangat. Sebabnya aku sendiri tak tahu punca penyakit aku dan ini tujuan utama aku datang klinik. Tapi kita hunuzon lah. Mungkin doktor tu sebenarnya nak tanya "Awak ada tersepak apa-apa ke" atau "Awak ada tersalah makan apa-apa ke" tapi dia menggunakan soalan yang KBKK sikit. Ko ingat soalan exam jeke ada KBKK?

Hurmm oke soalan doctor agak mencabar. Bagi saya 3 jam untuk berfikir jap


Ni pun satu yang aku rasa macam... Krik krik krik.. Jumpa doctor, check check lepastu terus doctor kasi ubat. Takda pun nak beri penerangan apa sebenarnya sakit yang dialami. Kita pulak kena tanya "So doctor, apa sakit saya". Tu pun kalau tak tanya pah ceroh la tak tahu sakit apa. Certain orang macam aku kalau boleh dia nak tahu la apa sakitnya, punca penyakit. At least ada reason untuk sakit tu, nanti kalau makayah kawan-kawan pakwemakwe tanya kenapa pergi klinik boleh la cerita "Oh aku sakit perut kemungkinan keracunan makanan" atau "Oh doctor kata maybe muscle pain sebab tu aku sakit belakang". Tapi lagi sekali kita kena hunuzon, maybe doctor tu nak cepat sebab sakit perut that's why dia lupa nak kasi penerangan kat ko. Paham tak?


Yang ni aku pernah jumpa masa aku sekolah rendah. Time tu aku cerita lah segala symptom sakit-sakit yang aku alami. Masuk 2 3 cerita keras je doctor tu cakap "Ada lagi sakit? Banyaknya sakit?" Dengan nada suara yang kerek. Walaupun hingusan lagi waktu tu tapi aku sudah boleh bezakan nada suara bergurau dengan sombong. Maybe dia bosan kot dengar aku cerita. Mungkin jugak dia tak reti macam mana nak treat perempuan. Aku comey sangat sampai doctor tu nervous kot sebab tu dia layan aku macam tu *muntah hijau*. Apa-apa pun, sebosan mana pun ceritanya, aku tetap rasa seorang pesakit perlu dilayan dengan berhemah. Sebabnya dia kan tengah sakit, mood dia tengah macam yoyo, jadi dia perlukan support dari seorang doctor.

Tapi ini hanyalah sebab kenapa aku tak suka jumpa doctor kalau aku sakit based on beberapa pengalaman aku. Bukan semua doctor macam ni. Diulangi, BUKAN SEMUA DOCTOR MACAM NI. Pergh Caps Lock dah tu tak paham jugak tak tahu lah. Banyak je doctor aku jumpa yang baik-baik, bersopan santun, berbudi bahasa dan service tiptop. Ada satu doctor aku jumpa tu siap pesan lagi "Jangan tinggal solat, banyakkan berzikir, banyakkan baca Quran, kita ni kadang-kadang lupa, bila sakit baru cari ALLAH" Bagus kan doctor ni? Sambil-sambil tu dia berdakwah.

Di kesempatan ini, aku nak ucapkan terima kasih kepada doctor-doctor yang bertungkus lumus memerah kudrat untuk menyelamatkan nyawa. Salute saya untuk anda para doctor and doctor to be. Ko ingat senang ke nak belajar 5 6 tahun perah otak hafal itu ini? Ada emergency case je terpakse tinggalkan anak bini suami kat rumah demi seorang pesakit yang bertarung nyawa. Sebab tu janganlah suka-suka mempertikaikan kekredibilitian doktor. Pantang salah sikit cepat je nak memaki "Hah tulah doctor bodoh belajar tinggi-tinggi sakit macam ni pun tak boleh nak ubati" Amboi mak ngah cabai mulut tu baru tahu. Kawan-kawan kena ingat, penawar sakit tu semua dari ALLAH, doctor tu satu iktihar je. Okay?

Akhir kata, senyumlah selalu dan berjumpa lagi kita di entry akan datang. Ecewah macam ada pembaca je perasan sungguh.

Have a nice day. Bye bye!

Much Love,
Adlina Aziz
xoxo =D