31 August 2010


hari ney hari merdeka lah
tp merdekakah aku?

1 sept - due date lab process heat transfer
2 sept - test mass transfer 1
3 sept - test introduction to food science and technology
3 sept - due date assignment mass transfer 1
3 sept - due date to send workbook engineering statistics
6 sept - test chemical engineering thermodynamics
20 sept - due date assignment industrial safety and health (permit to work system)
20 sept - due date take home assignment industrial safety and health
20 sept - due date utk proposal malam apresiasi
24 sept - due date mini project chemical engineering thermodynamics
22 oct - due date assignment engineering statistics
tarikh xdpt dikenal pasti - due date mini project process heat transfer
tarikh xdpt dikenal pasti - due date mini project mass transfer 1
tarikh xdpt dikenal pasti - due date assignment professional communication
and ect

oh..nampaknya aku masih belum merdeka..(sigh~)

selamat menyambut hari kemerdekaan kepada semua


josyu said...

mungkin one day..mybe...
the day will come :)

Arumi Dasuki and Erma Alyssa said...

tp kedatngan 1 hari tuh cm malap2 je..tah bile laa..adoiyaaa (=.=)